Course curriculum

    1. Start Here

    2. Welcome to Crave No More!

    3. Planning and Cooking Tips

    4. Meal Planning eBook

    1. I'm Triggered

    1. Journal Prompts

    1. Continuing to Improve Your Health

    2. What Do I Do if I Veer Off Course?

    3. Podcast Inspiration for Self-Discipline

    1. Zoom Schedule and Links

    2. Zoom Recordings

About this course

  • $33.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

By the end of Crave No More

You will have the knowledge, tools and support you need to overcome your cravings, make healthier choices, and start your journey towards becoming a happier and healthier you! Join us for the next 10-days and unlock the potential for a lifetime of improved well-being and healthier living.